Album Review: Haley Heynderickx - I Need to Start a Garden

Photo: Alessandra Leimer

Haley Heynderickx - I Need to Start a Garden (Mama Bird Recording Co.)

Released: March 2nd, 2018

From a finger-picked guitar ballad to a soft folk-rock jam, Haley Heynderickx has it covered on her debut album, I Need to Start a Garden. Heynderickx, a Pacific Northwest-based singer/songwriter, has been producing EPs for a little while now, but this is her first full-length effort. Built around classic folk-style and hints of soft-rock, I Need to Start a Garden is a solid debut for a young, talented musician.

On her debut release, Heynderickx delivers a set of songs that can attract most folk fans, along with outsiders who may never listen to the genre in the first place.

On "The Bug Collector", Haley finger-picks an addictive melody accompanied by her gentle vocal. Horn work and simple bass lines maneuver their way in as the track moves along. Heynderickx's lyrics quiver as she discusses the actions of bugs found in her house. The song digs deeper when she claims:

And I try my best
To prove that nothing's out to get you

Obviously there's something more to her story than just simply collecting bugs or being a so-called "bug collector".

On the lead single "Oom Sha La La" Heynderickx takes a more soft-rock approach. She receives help from a simple drum pattern, a straightforward bass line, and vocal support on the chorus. Two minutes in to the song, she screams, "I NEED TO START A GARDEN!", comparing the difficulty of creating a garden similar to her songwriting process.

Haley creates a soft-rock based track spanning over 7 minutes on "Worth It". She incorporates the drum kit and chugging guitar work beautifully to fit with her alt-folk style. One of the true standouts from the record.

Although it contains some great songs, the album loses me at multiple points throughout the track-list. The constant vocal quivering, although a fantastic touch on a few tracks, becomes somewhat annoying when attempted on each song. While it does add that extra emotional kick, it sometimes defeats her already unique voice. Also, after a few listens, her guitar work and sonics tend to blend a little bit with one another. The lead songs standout, but the deep cuts have a hard time being distinct with other tracks from the album.

On I Need to Start a Garden, Heynderickx delivers 30 minutes full of classic alternative-folk with flashes of smooth, upbeat soft-rock. Her voice shines on most tracks, quivering and floating above the instrumentals effortlessly. Her finger-picked melodies are pleasing and catchy, allowing the listener to get lost in her melodies while experiencing her youthful, mature sound. For 8 tracks, Haley Heynderickx comforts the listener. She delivers refreshing alternative-folk with a touch of soft-rock, from start to finish. Listen below...

Genre: Alternative-Folk/Classic-Folk/Singer/Songwriter/Soft-Rock

Rating: 5/10

Fav Songs: Bug Collector, Oom Sha La La
