Album Review: Everything Everything - A Fever Dream

Everything Everything - A Fever Dream (Big Picnic Records)

Released: August 18th, 2017

English based alt-rock band Everything Everything is back with their fourth studio album, A Fever Dream. This is a group I have been following ever since their 2015 release Get to Heaven, which was not only a thrilling and exhilarating album, but an awesome example of danceable grooves within alternative rock. I have so many favorites from that album, especially "To The Blade" and "Distant Past". I was excited to see that they announced a new album earlier in the summer. It was a total shock and I'm happy that it's finally here. On A Fever Dream, Everything Everything isn't as surprising or euphoric as Get To Heaven, but they are still providing the listener with a fantastic set of songs through their math-rock and experimental-rock foundation.

The singles from this album are fantastic. They are similar to those off of their last record because of the high energy and groovy vibes the tracks provide. "Can't Do" contains these stabbing synthesizer hits that combine with a chic drum pattern so well. Jonathan Higgs' vocals are awesome throughout this whole album and especially on this song alone... "CAN"T DO THE THING YOU WANT!".

"Desire" is another single form the record and another standout track. I love the catchy guitar melody/pattern that kicks of the song and plays throughout. Driving synths and rhythm guitar sections eventually add to the mix to create a very powerful track. Again, Higgs' vocals shine on the chorus "DESIRE! DESIRE! DESIRE!". This song is a top highlight from this album.

The title track "A Fever Dream" is the longest on the whole album and for good reason. Higgs' vocals lead the way in this six minute ballad. The instrumentation begins to rise about a minute and a half in to the song and stays pretty low-key throughout. A very simple hi-hat and drum pattern create the groove of the track which complements Higgs' vocals during the chorus. The piano keys on the track are a very nice touch, they provide a sense of elegance and drive to the track.

There are honestly so many highlights on A Fever Dream...

The lead track "Night of the Long Knives" has this creepy and daunting arpeggiator melody that eventually blends in so well with the rest of the instrumentation. Higgs' vocals are very quick and higher pitched, but then he expands his voice on the chorus... "IT WAS A LONG TIME COMING!". Great song to start to the album.

"Big Game" and "Good Shot, Good Soldier" are back to back chill songs in terms of Everything Everything's music. "Big Game" begins very laid-back with a simple drum pattern and featherweight synth-play. The track eventually concludes with a very crazy and driven guitar section. "Good Shot, Good Soldier" contains some vocal-esque synth stabs that are very light and pretty. The drum patterns throughout the song are creative and fun. The lyrics seem to be taking aim at some of the contemporary issues going on the world, including racial profiling, police brutality, oppression, or war.

The tail end of this album contains "Ivory Tower" and "White Whale" which are both great tracks. "Ivory Tower" is high energy and fast. Personally, I feel like the drumming leads the way on this song and it does a fantastic job. The song concludes with another crazy guitar section which mixes with the percussion, ethereal synthesizers and vocals so well. The closing track "White Whale" is a great way to close out an album. Again, another catchy melody appears and sits underneath Higgs' vocals so nicely. The chorus is so wide and bright, making it sound like there were ten people singing it while recording the song. "NEVER TELL ME THAT WE CAN'T GO FURTHER!" rings through the instrumentation and leads to a cathedral ending.

Everything Everything delivered on A Fever Dream. This record is full of catchy melodies, bright choruses, and exemplified their instrumental expertise. The drum patterns throughout the album are very creative while the synth keys are very pretty and enjoyable to listen to. Driving guitars and sleek bass performances also have their time on this album. As I stated multiple times before, Jonathan Higgs' vocal performance is on point and it shines on A Fever Dream. This group came through with an extremely solid album that I enjoyed listening to. The euphoric band from Manchester, UK delivered another thrilling piece of work. Listen below...

Genre: Alternative/Alt-Rock/Indie-Rock/Electronic-Rock/Math-Rock/Experimental/Electronica

Rating: 7.5/10

Fav Songs: Night of the Long Knives, Can't Do, Desire, Big Game, Good Shot Good Soldier, A Fever Dream, Ivory Tower, White Whale
